Sometimes, during the conformity tests of the new product in the laboratory, both electromagnetic immunity problems and excessive emissions, radiated and conducted are detected. As a result, it is often complex to pass the conformity tests on the first attempt. The negative test results lead to higher costs and delayed completion of new product development.


This service is suitable when tests for immunity / susceptibility or electromagnetic emissions in the laboratory have not been passed by the new product to be certified.

Solución problemas de emisiones e inmunidad electromagnéticas


Then, it is necessary to review the product, based on the negative results of the laboratory. The higher emission or susceptibility points must be found in a practical way, using pre-assessment instruments. Once located these critical points, CEMDAL generates a report with the most appropriate recommendations to redesign and solve the problem. These recommendations always provide lower cost solutions in production and lower cost of implementation in the corrections to make.


You can request more information of these services to  servicios@cemdal.com


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C/ Taronger 12

08192 Sant Quirze del Vallès



Member of  Agency for Qualification of Professional Engineers

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